Friday, June 30, 2006

I am almost finished with Blind WatchMaker. I'm scared that old Dawkin's is right. But he Can't be! The bible says that ol' "Dr." Dick Dawkin's is Wrong, so that's the truth. There's no way that he's right. I prayed so hard last night. I don't want to be taken in by Dawkin's. There are a few more people that God (and I) are VERY upset with. (Well, beside's the other ppl on my prayer list's) These individuel's are Gorge Carlin's and Howard Stern's. Carlin's is an Athiest Commedian who Bashe's Christianity and trie's to make us look like idiot's! Howard Stern's likes to Spread Sexualy Ixplicite Stuff's over the Radio Wave's. I hope the FCC Ban's them BOTH forever! They are spreading Anti-Christian Filth over the Airwave's and that should be STOPPED!!!!!!!!! I want them all to Experiance the SAVING KNOWLEDGE of JESUS!

I drew more:

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Charle's Darwin and his evil

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Hey kids wanna go read some Neitscheze?

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Athiesm chart: Dawkin's leads to LaVey!

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My Love's!


Anonymous said...

you are very, very insane.

Anonymous said...

Apes and humans have a common ancestor, humans did not come from apes. :) For example, you are related to a cousin (if you have one) through a sibling of one of your parents. You are related but you did not come from your cousin. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank god, that im a Athiest, you are uterly insane, and i don't need anyone say that it's no way that we come from apes, but to belive in a big white guy in the clouds is the right way. Hold your belives to yourself and leave others alone.

Anonymous said...

I think you should consider getting a real education.

Also, learn to SPELL and maybe do some research on any subject you've touched upon.

Anonymous said...

Also, Darwin was a Christian.

Anonymous said...

"Our willingness to accept scientific claims that are against common sense is the key to an understanding of the real struggle between science and the supernatural. We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism."

Quoted, but written more eloquently than I could put it.

Anonymous said...

If you're going to present Darwins theories, please be intellectually honest and present them in the manner he presented them instead of twisting them to get a reaction.

Anonymous said...

lame gimmick

Anonymous said...

You are sick, get help now.

Anonymous said...

Ahahah, "hey kids, wanna go read Nietzsche?" that is awesome you are awesome

also this is obviously fake, you're not being very bright.

Anonymous said...
