Sunday, June 25, 2006

All right, to you Liberals:
ABORTION IS MURDUR. Baby's are ALIVE in mom's stomach and they are Fearfuly and Wonderfully Made. And God created them in the Womb, so you should not Murder Little Unborn Baby's. If you have an Abortion you have commited a Greivous Sin and you might as well go worship Dawkin's and Neitszhce.

The other bad thing in this country is the Illegal Immagration from Mexican's. Many Mexican's are lazy and are Catholics, and they should NOT be allowed in this country! They are stealing American's job's and familie's and they are takign over! They want to replace Good American English with Mexican. I do not want to learn Mexican and you should not have to either.


Diego said...

On your personal info (about me) you said you were doing well at school... You also said "Jesus DYED" what? he dyed your hair? lets see... from the verb to die...
It should have been "Jesus DIED"

Amy said...

My spelling is Absolutely OK! I know it's not the Best but at least I got that right, right? ;)