Monday, December 14, 2009

Dawkin's and Barak "HUSSEIN" Obama have something in "common"! They were both born in "Kenya"! Kenya is obviously the birth place of the godless people! Watch dawkin's try to run for president on the Democrat Parties' ticket! May the "Republican" win!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

This is so true. This is exactly what Obama support's!
I'm back again! There's been a lot thats happened over the past year that I'm not happy about. Barrack "HUSSEIN" Obama is still in office even though he's "NOT" an American "Citizen"! He was BORN IN KENYA! He can not produce his birth certificate and he can not proove that he is a "citizen." There is a FORIEGN NATIONAL in OFFICE! This is ILLEGAL and UN-CONSTITUTIONAL! Obama must be "STOPPED"! I can not believe this and he needs to get IMPEATCHED. I joined some Tea Party Protest's against him because this is just too much. I miss "Bush" but he can not be president again, I wish "McCain" was elected. I want Sara Palin to run in 2012 because she's a Christian "woman" with good "family values".

Oh and Richard Dawkin's came out with a new book about "evilution" called The Greatest Show on Earth! Perfect title because Dawkin's decieves people for a living!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I can not beleive it . Barrack Obama IS PRESIDANT OF THE UNITED STATE'S OF AMERICA! God help us All as we go through Obamas' Illigitimate Administration I am so sad that Bush can not be in office anymore because he was a good president but I hope that Sarah Palin win's in 2012! Shes' amazing! I think She should be Presidant not Obama. I wore my NoBama shirt when obama was inaugerated. I cried too because I dont like his laedership :( hes' on my prayr list.

yes Im back briefly; ive been preoccupied w/collage!