Thursday, June 29, 2006


Here is another Evolutionist although he is Dead...he still has a big Influence on Science Education's in the United State's. His name is STEVEN J. GOLD. Gold was a Communist. That means Evilution is a Communist idea. Gold also says that Creationism is Real just like Dawkin's does. In fact People called Gold Dawkin's American Counterpart. But Communism is Anti-American! Evilution and Communism are Evil and Anti-God. Anne Coulter had something to say about Communism. Gold wrote lots of Evilutionist's books. In fact I think he wrote more book's than Dawkin's.

Another Scientist to watch out for is KARL SAGEN. He is another Athiest. They are all Athiests! Well, at least the "Establishment" scientists that are trying to Control Education. At least we have people like Kent Hovind and Micheal Beahy and Bill Demski.


Dee Paolina said...

Uh, Amy, I think you have a typo. Shouldn't it should be "Dawkin's's American Counterpart"? Or perhap "Dawkins American Counterpart"? I'm not quite sure.

I must congradulate you on you're spelling. Its improved dramatically. You're mom must be proud.

Amy said...

Eh, Dawkin's works for everything.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry so much about those communists and evil evolutionists. Remember, a man once said;

"What is good? All that heightens the feeling of power in man, the will to power, power itself. What is bad? All that is born of weakness. What is happiness? The feeling that power is growing, that resistance is overcome."

Amy said...

Neitscheze again!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy how you claim to hate him yet you are very aware of every quote he says.

Amy said...

It's because I Read Up on teh Enemy.

Anonymous said...

Hey retards,

You do realize that this blog is a joke, right?