OMGosh! Besides "Dawkin's" idiesy, FRIEDERICH NEITZCHECHE has come out with a New Book! It is called "Twilite of the Idol's". Can you beleive this? I know "Dawkin's" and "Neitschezehe" are in League with each other!!!!! i am surprised there isnt a Revue on the back of Dawkin's book from neitsche. This is not good. Good Christian's should fight to have "Dawkin's" and "Netizschee" removed form BookShelve's accross America!!!!!!!!!! We dont want thier book's here.
I have a Book Endorsement!!!!!! You should all go read Refuting Evilution by Jonnathon Sarfatti. This man is Very Intellegent (unlike Dawkin's) and the book is very very good at refuting evilution. All Dawkin's fans should go read it. Sarfatti writes waaay better than ol Dick Dawkin's and Sarfati is a follower of "Jesus Christ"!!!!! I want to "Pymp" this book in stead of Dawkinse's drivil. But this entry isnt even about Dawkin's who is the AntiChrist for SURE!!!!!!!!! This is about Nieztshe. Neitszeche wrote a book called The AntiChrist. I think if the antichrist is not Dawkin's (which it is) it will be neitsche. And after Jesus coems back both "Dawkin's" and "Netizsche" will be ROASTING IN HELLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the Lowest Circle!!!!
Nietzsche died in 1900 you moron, Twilight of the Idols came out in 1889. It's not a "new book". Shoot yourself
I find it incredible that a christian would be stupid enough to advocate censorship. This isn't a christian nation. It never has been. It merely has a large and declining christian population.
As a christian, it is not your job to rid the US of sin by banning all opposing schools of thought. You are supposed to do it by spreading and showing Christ's love.
Instead you spend your time spouting poorly spelled and thought out nonsense at the internet.
WTC does supporting Illegal immigrants have to do with Jesus? That is a purely political issue and has no relation to the kingdom of heaven. Stop tying the christian agenda to the incredibly corrupt political agenda of the neocon's. Their goals have nothing to do with your own.
The lowest circle of Hell is reserved for those who betray their brothers, not those who have a brain. Read Dante, get a high school education, and stop using so much punctuation.
is smarter than you.
Eat a bowl of dicks, please.
World Trade Center does supporting Illegal immigrants have to do with Jesus?
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