Saturday, November 11, 2006

OMGosh!!!!! Will people stop leaving "Nasty Comment's" on my BLog? Anyway's, I have NEW'S! I wanted to write about this earlier but I was at a convention :( So yeah...PASTER TED HAGGARD got caught using "Crystal Meth" and sleeping with a "Homosexual". This is "Not Good". And I always admired Pastor Haggard. This is dissapointing to say the least. I had no idea he was going to fall like this...........he is now on my prayer list......

AND THE "DEMOCRAT'S" have taken over the House and "Senate"..........this is not good.......we republican's are in so much trouble now................the gay's will probably take over...........and dawkin's darwin neitsche worshippers will be in charge. This is so dissapointing I cried when I found out the democrat's won. ATHIEST HOMOSEXUAL'S ARE TAKING OVER "AMERICA"!!!!!!

And apparently the God Dillusion has become a BestSeller - WHY???????????


Anonymous said...

Nyeh nyeh! Your prophet is a homo... and a druggie. Where's your god now?

And... I actually PARTIALLY agree with you on the Democrats winning. They suck... JUST AS MUCH AS THE REPUBLICANS! And, no, they aren't homosexuals. Politicians use issues like gay marriage and the evolution/creationism to further their own ends. Democrats and Republicans are both power-mongers who would sell their souls for a dollar... or would, if they didn't create the dollars in the first place.

Anyway... this is proof that your Church is a breeding ground of Satanism! "Run away. Run away and NEVER come back!"

Amy said..., sir are a SPAMMER!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you about the Democrats taking control of congress. Before we know it homosexuals will be on every corner spreading aids and recruiting children to become homosexuals. Its so obvious that jesus created aids to punish homos but then it got out of control when the devil made the homos start having sex with straight people and everything went crazy. And look at the high infection rates in Africa. Not very many Chirstians in Africa, are there? This is no coincidence.

Also, with the Democrats in power there is no way that Bush will be able to have Christianity declared our national religion, as he promised us in the 2000 election. And despite Bush's best efforts, the Democrats will prevent him from abolishing the first amendment. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were great men in certain respects. But when they drafted the first amendment protecting the expression of impure and non-christian thougts, and keeping christianity out of government, they really made a huge mistake. Why do you think we have all of these alternative life styles? Its because people have to much freedom to stray from god. The first amendment is just one example of this dangerous and unnecessary freedom that mankind is incapable using in a christian like manner. I think when Jefferson and Madison wrote the first amendment they were possessed by the devil. I can't think of another plausible explaination.

Hopefully, President Bush will be able to pass legislation making the US a one-party state that does not tolerate non-christian thought, thereby abolishing the Democratic party (the devil party) forever. I'm scared that the Democrats will unleash the devil on america and everyone will start having gay sex. No one will be safe.

Here's another thing that the devilcrats don't understand: September 11 took place because god has lifted his protective veil from the US because of our tolerance for all sorts of non-christian things, i.e., homos, drag queens, allowing the supreme court to keep christian prayers out of public schools. Its no coincidence that it happened in New York City, perhaps the most devil infested city in the world. Someday a real rain will come and wash it all away. If you don't think so, just read the Bible.

This means that the only way we can win the war on terror is to start cracking down on the immorality in this country. Make it illegal to be gay. Start putting the gaylords in jail. Require a Christian prayer at the begining of every school day in public schools. I don't care if you are not a Christian, we are at war and there is no time for weirdo buddhism. Only if we do these things can we defeat the terrorists.

Enough for now, I need to go and pray.

Anonymous said...

Who's this person saying that our Church is a breeding ground for Satanism. Just because Pastor Ted had gay sex and snorted a little crystal meth doesn't mean anything. All that it proves is that the devil is powerful and can possess anyone for a time. This just reaffirms the importance of accepting jesus as you savior. And this type of thing can happen to anyone. A few summers ago the devil possessed me and I woke up three days later with a needle in my arm lying next to an asian man. So don't worry Pastor Ted, it happens to the best of us.

But I sought out a christian minister who heals the gay and it worked. Since then, I have not done any drugs or had sex with any men.

Further proof that God does exist!!