Monday, December 18, 2006

So guy's I am back after a long Hi-Aytus. Well I have come across a new SIte that is full of AntiChristian nonsense and this is the URL: The man is a Satenist, a follower of Freiderich Nietsechzche and Richard Dawkin's and he is spreading lots of evil idea's. And to top it all off hes' "British". I am going to pray for him and his admirer's. He is yet ANOTHER Dawkinese fan boy.

Anyway, I am upset about other thing's too......and this is bigger New's than more Dawkin's fan boy's. The Homosexual's are declaring War on Christmas! They are going around saying it is Happy Holiday's not Merry Christmas and they want to ban christmas from all store's including target. And tehy are boycotting the SalVation Army, one of the best orginazations in the u.s. of a. So let us make sure not to listen to the homosexual's this Christmas season. And its' Christmas, not Xmas...Xmas is a tool used by Satan to draw out Deamon's for saying it. Xmas xs out the Christ in Christmas so it is wrong to say Xmas. Do not say it or there will be Consaquences.

And make sure to stay away from StormFront. There White Supremist's and are very dangerous. This is actually not just a warning for christian's its for any sane person. you can take or leave what I say about dawkin's or homosexual's but this StormFront stuff is real and crazy.