Saturday, September 16, 2017

I'm back!

Lot's of things have happend since I last blogged here. The first thing is really good. We elected "DONALD TRUMP"! I have liked Trump since he said BARRACK OBAMA was born in “Kenya.”  I voted for Trump in the primarys, but it was a hard choice between him and Cruise until I found out what a LIER Lyin’ Ted Cruise was! So I voted “TRUMP”.

Trump is a good presidant and people need to stop protesting. The FAKE NEWS media like’s to say that Trump is a bad leader. This is false. Just read Brightbart, the N.Y. Post, InfoWars and WND—they know the truth! Everything else is fake news just like the “PRESIDENT” says. I think hes’ even better than Bush. For one he cares more about the boarder than G.W. Bush. Bush was weak about the boarder but Trump wants to build his “WALL.” Go TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make Amercia Great Again!

Trump is also apointing good Christian’s to his Cabinet and Supreame Court so I am glad I voted for him. My state went to CROOKED HILLARY but that didn’t stop Donald! Even though the FAKE NEWS say’s that Russian’s made Trump win. People talking abbout the Russian's hacking are just trying to make excuses for Hillarys’ loss. She was a terrible Candidate and the DNC rigged it for her. Crazy Bernie was cheated from the nominated. All this helped “Trump” which is good for the country!!!!!!!! GO TRUMP!!! #MAGA

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