You know who I hate? APPLE INC. APPLE Inc is a very bad company. They make "McIntosh" (better known as MAC) computer's and I-Pod's and I-Phones and now this "I-Pad". I can not support APPLE for lot's of reasons. APPLE was against "PROP 8" which was about defending marraige. Also everyone's favorite Athiest Richard Dawkin's used MAC's to illistrate "evolution." I refuse to buy APPLE products ever. My computer is a DELL running WINDOW'S VISTA. I think WINDOWS VISTA is a great computer system I can use all the app's I want NO APPLE NEEDED. I dont know why people use MAC, it suck's.
Also I heard Dawkin's Forum fell appart! GOD has answered my prayer's because Dawkin's forum was a den of athiest plot's and community and they mock the almighty WORD OF GOD so its a good thing that the forum got shut down by the mod's. Maybe these dawkin's fans will stop comming on my blog and making spammy comment's. I KNOW ITS YOU DAWKIN'S FANS!!!!!!!
you know that Rush Limbaugh's a Mac user, right?
No way! Why would he support APPLE?!
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