Hey guy's!!!! Long Time No Blog!!!!! But I am not done yet. Anyway, I have come across a new person
MICHIO KAKU. This man is the Japanese Dawkin's. He is a Physcsist, but look at the man. He looks like a japanese dawkin's and he even uses teh same techniques. Surely this man comes from his NutCase Scientific School. He agree's with String Theory, which means that the Universe was made of yarn. Or at least thats' how it sounds. I'm scared that these people are in charge when they do Science. I should pray for all String Theorists. Everyone knows Jesus holds atoms together. I learned that in Chemistry and Physics.
Speaking of that Arch-Athiest Richard "Antichrist" Dawkin's, I am also glad the "God Dalusion" stuff has piped down to some extent, I was tired of hearing about that unholy book. I hope it gets banned. OOHHHHHH Dawkin's makes me so mad. If I wasn't a Christian who had to love everyone I would hate that man. *$£&(*$Y£U()(£*$Y&£*$Y*(£$^(*"Y$*(£$Upo
Don't listen to all of these mean bloggers who think that we Christians have no right judge other people for their beleifs. What are they crazy? We are Christians and it is our job to be intolerant of non-christian ideas and opinions. It is our job to try and save them from eternal damnation. Personally, I think that I am doing people a favor. For instance, I was in Japan and I met a buddhist. I told him flat out: "Your religious ideas are complete BS and a bunch of hippy nonsense. You had better renounce buddhism and except Jesus as your lord and savior or you will burn in hell." The guy actually cursed at me and walked away? I'm taking time out of my vacation to help save this guys soul from enternal damnation and he has the nerve to curse me. Oh well, can't save everyone's soul, I suppose. But we can try.
Re: Dawkins, I think that he is probably an incarnation of the devil, or at least possessed by the devil. I wouldn't doubt that he is gay too. This country is in a lot of trouble. Everyone believes in science more than Jesus. What is wrong with everyone? The sky is blue because that is how Jesus made it. It rains because Jesus makes it rain. The Planets rotate around the sun because that's what Jesus wants. As Jesus would say, "tolerance is not the answer." Does anyone remember the exact verse that this is from? They were talking about this passage on Fox News last night and it slipped my mind. Anyeay, when jesus rains fire on all of the non-believers and sends them to hell, then they'll get the message.
I think that we all need to pray extra hard. Especially for the troops in Iraq. Bush had a brilliant plan to conquer Iraq and spread christianity throughout the middle east, but the liberal media and the democrats won't let him do it. They are always naysaying and second quessing everything he does. We must not question or challenge the president during a time of war, especially a Christian President like Bush. Bush accepts Jesus Christ as his lord and savior and, therefore, he can do no wrong. Jesus speaks through Bush. How else could he look into a man's eyes and know his soul? You don't get powers like that from Alah, that's for sure.
President Bush was right when he called the war in Iraq and the war on terror (one in the same) a "crusade." Thousands of years ago Christians sought to clense the earth of muslims and were pretty successful. The muslims that they could not convert they slaughtered. I know Jesus says love they neighboor, but when he says neighboor he means christian neighboor. Jesus does want us to love muslims, but the only way to truly love them is insist that they convert to Christianity. If they do not, nothing will save them. The war in Iraq is another holy crusade to save the world from being sent to hell by Jesus. God Bless President Bush!!
I think your comments are great!! You are so wise and articulate. Where do you go to Church?
Isn't Latin the language spoken by the Roman Soldiers who crucified Christ?!
That is reason enough not to speak it!
I agree that it is hard not to want to hate people like Dawkins. I still believe that our government will find a reason to encarcerate him in Guantanamo where he can be tortured. I don't see it as him being tortured, but as his sin being tortured, which is actually doing the guy a favor by bringing him around to the Lord!
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