Monday, November 13, 2006

"TODAY WAS TERRIABLE." Aaron gave me THE GOD DELUSION by DAWKIN'S!!!!!! WTFreak? He KNOWS Im a CHristian!!!!!!!!!!!! This is NUT'S!! I think he's being a NutJob. What drives me nuts about "Athiests" who like "Dawkin's" is that they "treat" him like a "Guru"....JUST LIKE THE RELIGOUS PEOPLE THEY MAKE FUN OF!!!!!! A very smart man named "Allastare McGrath" came out with a WHOLE BOOK about how Dawkin's is wrong!!!!!!!!11 GOOD! GOOD GOOD GOOD. Its called Dawkinses' God. If I wasnt a good Christian I would say very unchristian things about Athiest Prophett "Dawkin's". That AssHole Dawkin's said something about Anne Colter!!!!!!! :( School went ok too, we did some more creation science. We still use Kent Hovind. I want to start a sight called "Free Kent" because Hovind was working for "God". He was not meaning to "Avade Taxe's". He is a very intellegent man and deserves our help not our "riddacule."

Im still upset about Pastor Ted. I cant beleive that HE GOT CAUGHT in a HomoSexual affare!!!! This is ridikkulus! I cant believe it. I mean, hes such a man of god and then he got caught sleeping with MEN!!!!!!! I hope they dont catch Jerry Fallwell and Pat Robertson in "gay" affair's too...they are such men of god and they are so intellegent so yeah.

I volunteer'd for the christmas play and Im going to be Mary!!!!!!!! Im so excited about this...I'm totally sold out for Christ and Id love to play his mom!!!!


Saturday, November 11, 2006

I am so upset.......I had to add PASTOR TED to my PRAYER LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

***** indicates those most in need of prayer's
Richard Dawkin's****************************************************
Pray for this Dawkin's character more because he is getting MORE POWERFULL IN AMERICA!!!!!!
All Dawkinist's (those are followers of Dawkin's Doctrine's)
Any Sientist who Like's Dawkin's
Dawkin's readers
Any TV people who have Dawkin's on thier show's
Grate Britian for producing and Harboring Dawkin's
US for Hosting Dawkin's
NEW: South Park's "Producer's" for making a show with Dawkin's
NEW: BookStores that "sell' Dawkin's "Book's"
NEW: PASTOR TED HAGGARD ********* (got caught using CrystalMeth and being a HomoSexual!!!!)
Friederich Neitszshsche*************************
NEW: Daneil Denett
NEW: Sam Harris
NEW: Steven J. Gold (evilutionist)
Larry Flint*****
Hugh Heffner*****
Anton LeVey*****
Madeliene Murrey O'Hare (she is trying to take Christian show's off the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)*****
Normen Leer
The Kennedy's
All Spiritualist Medium's
Tony Blare
Jackques Sharac
Dirty Romance Writer's
Porn Site Owner's
Porn Actor's
Pam Anderson
Limp Biscuit
System of a Down's
Mandie More
Angalina Jolie
Marylin Manson
"Christian" Rock Band's
Physco ppl
Micheal More
Mary Cheney
Parris Hitlon
Nikki Hitlon
Lindsey Lohan
Simpson's Sister's
Hillery Duff
Brittany Spear's
Bill Clinton
Hillery Clinton (I'm praying for alot of Hillery's it seems)
Koffi Anann
Mucchiiccca Prada or whoever she is, she makes Immodest Clothes
Jell-O Biafra
Naom Comsky
Cindi Sheehan
Jame's Randy
Dann Barker
Richard Fineman
Stephen Pinker
Fred Phelp's (This man goes to far even for me!!!!)
Anyone who supports Illegal Mexican's
Ralf Nader
OMGosh!!!!! Will people stop leaving "Nasty Comment's" on my BLog? Anyway's, I have NEW'S! I wanted to write about this earlier but I was at a convention :( So yeah...PASTER TED HAGGARD got caught using "Crystal Meth" and sleeping with a "Homosexual". This is "Not Good". And I always admired Pastor Haggard. This is dissapointing to say the least. I had no idea he was going to fall like this...........he is now on my prayer list......

AND THE "DEMOCRAT'S" have taken over the House and "Senate"..........this is not good.......we republican's are in so much trouble now................the gay's will probably take over...........and dawkin's darwin neitsche worshippers will be in charge. This is so dissapointing I cried when I found out the democrat's won. ATHIEST HOMOSEXUAL'S ARE TAKING OVER "AMERICA"!!!!!!

And apparently the God Dillusion has become a BestSeller - WHY???????????

Thursday, November 02, 2006

***** indicates those most in need of prayer's
Richard Dawkin's****************************************************
Pray for this Dawkin's character more because he is getting MORE POWERFULL IN AMERICA!!!!!!
All Dawkinist's (those are followers of Dawkin's Doctrine's)
Any Sientist who Like's Dawkin's
Dawkin's readers
Any TV people who have Dawkin's on thier show's
Grate Britian for producing and Harboring Dawkin's
US for Hosting Dawkin's
Friederich Neitszshsche*************************
Larry Flint*****
Hugh Heffner*****
Anton LeVey*****
Madeliene Murrey O'Hare (she is trying to take Christian show's off the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)*****
Normen Leer
The Kennedy's
All Spiritualist Medium's
Tony Blare
Jackques Sharac
Dirty Romance Writer's
Porn Site Owner's
Porn Actor's
Pam Anderson
Limp Biscuit
System of a Down's
Mandie More
Angalina Jolie
Marylin Manson
"Christian" Rock Band's
Physco ppl
Micheal More
Mary Cheney
Parris Hitlon
Nikki Hitlon
Lindsey Lohan
Simpson's Sister's
Hillery Duff
Brittany Spear's
Bill Clinton
Hillery Clinton (I'm praying for alot of Hillery's it seems)
Koffi Anann
Mucchiiccca Prada or whoever she is, she makes Immodest Clothes
Jell-O Biafra
Naom Comsky
Cindi Sheehan
Jame's Randy
Dann Barker
Richard Fineman
Stephen Pinker
Fred Phelp's (This man goes to far even for me!!!!)
Anyone who supports Illegal Mexican's
Ralf Nader

OMGosh! Besides "Dawkin's" idiesy, FRIEDERICH NEITZCHECHE has come out with a New Book! It is called "Twilite of the Idol's". Can you beleive this? I know "Dawkin's" and "Neitschezehe" are in League with each other!!!!! i am surprised there isnt a Revue on the back of Dawkin's book from neitsche. This is not good. Good Christian's should fight to have "Dawkin's" and "Netizschee" removed form BookShelve's accross America!!!!!!!!!! We dont want thier book's here.

I have a Book Endorsement!!!!!! You should all go read Refuting Evilution by Jonnathon Sarfatti. This man is Very Intellegent (unlike Dawkin's) and the book is very very good at refuting evilution. All Dawkin's fans should go read it. Sarfatti writes waaay better than ol Dick Dawkin's and Sarfati is a follower of "Jesus Christ"!!!!! I want to "Pymp" this book in stead of Dawkinse's drivil. But this entry isnt even about Dawkin's who is the AntiChrist for SURE!!!!!!!!! This is about Nieztshe. Neitszeche wrote a book called The AntiChrist. I think if the antichrist is not Dawkin's (which it is) it will be neitsche. And after Jesus coems back both "Dawkin's" and "Netizsche" will be ROASTING IN HELLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the Lowest Circle!!!!
You know who strike's again..........its' "Dawkin's"!! Yes Richard Dawkin's is back with his Athiest Proppoganda! He has coem out with a New "Book" Called The God Delusion!!! This Dawkin's character is NUT'S!!! He is leading people to the path of unriteousness! I expect that when he gets "older" he will "repent" of his "sin's" and come to now the lord "Jesus Christ"! The Athiest Aaron gave me a copy of this book. What is it with him and giving me Dawkin's NonSense? Doesnt he know I read "Kent Hovind" and "Jame's Dobson"????? But NOOOOO. He always gives me "Sagan" and "Dawkin's" and "Gold". And this book is getting very Poppuler. I think...WTFreak is going on here?????? This is an Athiest NutCase who needs to come abck to the Lord. Richard Dawkin's, God Misse's you!!!!!!!

And he was on US TV allot recently. What are these good american's doing putting this british athiest nut case on tv. And Dawkin's insulted Anne Coulter!!!!!! We are having a Prayer Circle for "Dawkin's" this Friday. Because he is an athiest who lie's about god and spreds proppaganda.