Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Someone (I am assuming it was someone I know who quit going to my "Church") WENT ON MY BLOG and got my Password's and made up a bunch of lie's about me. No I am not in public school's, no I am not BiSexual, no I have Not become a Dawkin's fan and I am not an athiest!!!!! I am still a Hard Core Christian Sold Out for Jesus Christ so if anyone tells you otherwise their "wrong". I have just come back from a HomeSchool Retreat where we talked about Moral Values and ProLife stuff. I want to protest in front of an abbortion clinic becuause abbortion is MURDUR as I said earlier. I also heard that Dawkin's was at Jerry Fallwells' School and made fun of it. Dawkin's needs your prayer's!!!!!!!! Let's pray for him so that he comes to know Our Lord Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!

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