Sunday, July 02, 2006

I've been drawing more! I don't have much to say because I am about to go to CHURCH! :D :D :D

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Neitshcze speaks for the Talkin' Snake

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Wanna go watch some Stern's and Carlin's? The Talkin' Snake says so.

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Dick Dawkin's is Definately Doing the Devil's Duty!


Phil said...

Honey, you can even spell "evolution" right. You have to understand that not everyone in this great big world is white and Christian and that not everyone will agree with what you think. This doesn't make them any worse a person than you, we're all equal in the game of life and we all have our own values, cultures and opinions. I hope for your sake that this site is a joke because if it isn't you are very uneducated about the world around you.

Amy said...

I know how to Spell Evolution. And I am praying for you. :-)

God Bless