Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I also did some Art! My Dad signed me up for "Art Classe's".

The first picture is of me being handed The Selfish Gene's by "Richard Dawkin's " and my freaking out because that is such a satanic book.

The second is of the "Bible", Gods' True Word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Window's acted up on me AGAIN! Apparantly I DLed some Trojan Horse's. Ugh. Anyway, I have Realized that Dawkin's is Probably NOT the AntiChrist because he is an obvious Athiest and does not Pretend to bea Christian unlike what the Bible say's. So I was wrong about Dawkin's being the AntiChrist.I still think he is doing the Devil's Duty's, though.

I got a new Job working at the Ladie's Department in a Departmant store. This is going to be Fun. Oh I am such a girly Girl! I love clothe's! Yes oh yes!

My new fave ChatRoom is the Conservative's Chat Room. And they are so intellegent over there, except for the occasional Athiest and Evilutionist and ProHomosexual types that come in. I bet they are Liberal's causing trouble.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Im mad. I clicked on a "Free I-Pod" link and I did not get my "I-Pod." And then I found out that I-Pods are made by APPLE'S COMPUTER'S. You knw, the people who make "McIntosh" computer's!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was shocked! First no I-Pod, and then I find out that Apple's made it! And I also learned that it is a very bad thing to DownLoad Bonzi Buddy. Before my computer was refromatted I DLed Bonzi Buddy for my Sibling's and it turned out to Mess Up my Computer. I run Window's 98 just to let you Know. Im trying to figure out wat the red Xes are that come up on my computer..........

Im scare'd...

1. I think I like Athiest Aaron.

2. I think Dawkins make's more sense then Hovind.

3. I am almost about to beleive in Evilution.

4. I am worried I am BiSexual....

Please dont let this be true. I am going to pray for myself before I get lead down the path of Satan's Snare's.

Monday, July 17, 2006

And speaking of Opperating System's, McIntosh is Of the Devil!!!!!!! Dawkin's used McIntosh Computer's to illustrate Evilution and he is an Advocate of these Evil Computer's. The Core of OS Ex is also called Darwin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you believe it? DARWIN! That is Proof that these Computer's are Spreading the Devils Work. Linux isn't Good iether. Linux is for Geek's and lots of Geek's are Athiest's. I do not Reccommend McIntosh or Linux Computer's. Use God's Opperating System: Window's! You have to pray to use Window's more so it is more Godly!
My Window's crashed a few day's ago too and I had to REFROMATT. Well, Aaron did it for me and he moved all my File's for me. For an Athiest he isnt that bad...
I am so upset...Kent Hovind...got ARESTED. For TaxEvasion's. Hovind is now on my...PRAYER LIST. I can't Believe this is happening...my whole worlds falling appart...First Josh isn't interested in me anymore and now this...noooooo. this is happening way 2 fast for me.............next I'll be Worshiping Dawkin's and Darwin.............

Friday, July 14, 2006

I just came back from a Church Social. I'm Tired now but I did have Lot's and Lot's of Fun. Over the week I took my Final's. Aaron came over and gave me more book's. Would he stop giving me Book's! He know's good and Well that Dawkin's is Doing the Devil's Dutie's and all the Book's he give's me are full of deamon's. I had to pray pray pray all day!!!!!!!!!!!!! And one of my exam question's was about Neitzeche and how he was Unsaved. I pray for anyone who read's and believe's his work.

Added to my Prayer List's
The Pope
Viscente Fox

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Youth Meeting was So Much Fun! So was "Chirstian DogWalking!" We exchanged "Christian Tip's". Me and Josh also are thinking of making another Dawkin's Watch sight because we do not want people to be "Lured in" by the Lie's and Athiesm of "Dick Dawkin's" who is Definately Doing the Devil's Duty. Apparently one of his book's are called A Devils' Chaplin. Come on. Dawkin's admit's that he is doing the Devils' Duty right there! I might also through in a Netizscheche watch as well because he is so wrong too. I watched some more "Hovind Seminar's" today along with some Christian MusicVideo's. I love Christian Rock It is so powerfull and HOLY! My fave Christian band has 2 be Caedmons' Call now.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I love Jack Chicks' Tract's! They Get Read and they Save People's Live's! Here is my Tract For The Day!!!!!!

Oh and today I had some Moment's of Silence for that good man Ken Lay's who dyed from a HeartAttack. :(

***** indicates those most in need of prayer's
Richard Dawkin's*****************************
All Dawkinist's (those are followers of Dawkin's Doctrine's)
Friederich Neitszshsche*************************
Larry Flint*****
Hugh Heffner*****
Anton LeVey*****
Madeliene Murrey O'Hare (she is trying to take Christian show's off the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)*****
Normen Leer
The Kennedy's
All Spiritualist Medium's
Tony Blare
Jackques Sharac
Dirty Romance Writer's
Porn Site Owner's
Porn Actor's
Pam Anderson
Limp Biscuit
System of a Down's
Mandie More
Angalina Jolie
Marylin Manson
"Christian" Rock Band's
Physco ppl
Micheal More
Mary Cheney
Parris Hitlon
Nikki Hitlon
Lindsey Lohan
Simpson's Sister's
Hillery Duff
Brittany Spear's
Bill Clinton
Hillery Clinton (I'm praying for alot of Hillery's it seems)
Koffi Anann
Mucchiiccca Prada or whoever she is, she makes Immodest Clothes
Jell-O Biafra
Naom Comsky
Cindi Sheehan
Jame's Randy
At least I am not getting any more Spammy Comment's. That makes me Very Happy. I spent my day looking at Kent Hovinds website and finding ways to rebut Dawkin's and his ilk's. I'm also reading some Christian Roamance's. I read a lot. My mom says that's a sign of Intellegence. :) I also had fun at BibleStudy last night. We talked about Temptation's and we all had a lot of thing's to say about that. Anyway, how do you like my new Blog Design's? I drew the Heart's myself.

Hm...I'm hungry. I'm going 2 go look for some apple's or bannanna's.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All right can people stop leaving SPAM COMMENT'S on my blog's? I like comment's but I don't like Spammy and Flamy Comment's.

Anyway's, I spent the 4th with My Family and some other family's from my church. I bumped into Aaron later and I was like 'What are you Doing Here?' He told me he wanted to give me some more Stuff. Guess what it was: Dawkin's again and Neitzscheezche. No way. This is the 4th of July adn I do not want to hear Dawkin's and Neitszchezche's UnAmerican stuff.

And someone Critiscized my Apostrophe's. I told them I used my Apostrophe's right.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Normal Bob Smith
This man spreads Blasphemie's all over the Internet's. If this guy had books and speaking tour's I would say this is the AntiChrist, or at least one of his helper's. He has Pornographic Material, a Site where you can DRESS UP JESUS in thing's including FEMALE CLOTHE'S (promoting TransVestitism) and lots of other Sacreligious stuff that is VERY unholy. This sight should be banned as I said.

World of Dawkin's
This sight is all about that pervayer of Evil, Dick Dawkin's. If you read this site, you will surly know that Dick Dawkin's is Definately Doing the Devil's Duty. I should TradeMark that. There are article's, bio's, and other Dawkin's related things. Well this site is good for one thing. Proving that Dawkin's is the AntiChrist profesied by JESUS CHRIST in REVELATION'S!

Fred Neitzscehce Society
Theres a SOCIETY devoted to Fred Neitschezeche! No way!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

MY STEPDAD LIKE'S JOSH! He says I can't Court him yet but I can hang out with him in group's. He's a great guy. Today me and Josh talked about who the AntiChrist would be. Josh said that he would probably be from Eastern Europe. I told him it was probably Dawkin's. I think he agrees. He has never read the Blasphemie's of Richard Dawkin's but he certainly knows about him. He knows that Dick Dawkin's is Definately Doing the Devil's Duty.
I've been drawing more! I don't have much to say because I am about to go to CHURCH! :D :D :D

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Neitshcze speaks for the Talkin' Snake

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Wanna go watch some Stern's and Carlin's? The Talkin' Snake says so.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Dick Dawkin's is Definately Doing the Devil's Duty!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

I finished Dawkin's book. I don't think I will ever read Dawkin's ever again. His book's are full of Deamon's. How do people listen to him? I dont know. And he is so suttle! Dick Dawkin's is Definately Doing the Devil's Duty. That is my motto for Dawkin's now.

Besides reading the Demonic Dick Dawkin's book, me and my friend's went over to PizzaHut to eat and witness. We were trying to tell people about the Saving Knowledge of Christ. Most of the people we found were already saved, though. This is the one Problem about our town. It is full of Christian's. That is good for Spiritual Backup but not for Outreach. There is this one guy in my Outreach Group called Josh. He is cute. I would like to Court him some day, but I have to run that past my Dad first. Josh and me ahve a lot of the same interest's. We listen to the same band's and read a lot of the same type's of book's. He wants to be a CreationScience Evangelist when he get's out of College and I want to be one too so that's grreat! I am going to have him talk to my dad.