This is my Second Entry! Today at HomeSchool, we talked about Creation Science, and my Mom was telling me about the Paluxy Footprints in Glen Rose, Texas! Humans walked and lived with dinosaurs........their's evidence! I am also going to Creation Science Camp this summer. We are going to talk about why Evolution is Wrong and why their should be Equal Time for Creation Science, Intellegent Design, and Evilution at school because Evilution is obviously a religion and Creation Science is objective scientific Fact. Evolution takes a lot of Faith------it take's more Faith than Christianity it self!
My Next-Door Neighbor, Mr. Phipps is an Athiest. I forgot to Tell you. I have tried Witnessing to him, but he quotes Darwin and Dawkin's to me as if they are Holy Scrpipture. I told him that I was going to Pray for him, and he looked at me kind of funny. I don't understand athiest's, but do I have to? I just have to make sure they're saved! I told him about Kent Hovind who has a PHD from Patriot University and is Qualified to talk about Science, but then he Countered saying that Darwin and Dawkin's went to Cambrige and Oxford, respectfully. I told him that cradentials did not matter if they were preaching GODS' HOLY WORD!
And when Dawkin's says Evolution he pronounces it Evilution! Even he admits it is an Evil Theory! Mr. Phipps says that is just his accent but I don't beleive him. And why should we listen to what a bunch of British guys (Darwin and Dawkin's) say about American Education? We can't trust those British with anything. They've been Messing Up Good Americans since the Seventeenth Century and we had the Right Idea to Declare Independance. And Noah Webster (praise be upon him) was RIGHT to change the Spelling of English Words Arbitraraly to Not Look British! Webster (praise be upon him) was a GENUIS! Even Today, Webster's Abridged Dictionaries keep Cuss Words out but those godless Oxford Dictionarie's DON'T. Another reason to BUY AMERICAN!
The Paluxy Footprints in Glen Rose, Texas Humans does not show that dinosaurs lived with humans. Some of the allegedly human tracks may be artifacts of erosion of dinosaur tracks obscuring the claw marks. There is a need for properly documented research on the tracks before we would use them to argue the coexistence of humans and dinosaurs. This is concluded by Answers In Genesis, a creationist organization.
Evolution is not a religion and you are insulting Chrisitans that know that it is real. If saying that something evolved from nothing is a fairy tale, then does that mean that something that was created by a god from nothing a fairy tale too?
Kent Hovind's PHD is for Christian Education and not science. There is a criticsm of his dissertation that he wrote for the university. It has poor spelling and grammar, no original thought and no references.
By looking at your blog, it is obvious that you do not understand evolution and I suggest you look it up in an encyclopedia. And your comments about Darwin and Dawkin is sort of racist.
Would you believe in a big lie rather than a small one?
Well, The Interactive Bible ( had Pointed Out that the Paluxy Story was real, and my Mom knows more about Evilution than I do, so that's why I went on Her Word.
It is Not a Fairy Tale, it is the Gospel Truth! And people like Dawkin's certainly treat evolution like a faith.
It isn't? But he comes across to me like a good scientist.
How am I being Racist against Darwin and Dawkin's? I don't see anything Racist. Please explain.
I will pray for your Soul.
The Paluxy tracks is a story, in other words not real.
From Talk Origins:
The footprints reputed to be of human origin are not. Some of the footprints are dinosaur footprints. Processes such as erosion, infilling, and mud collapse obscure the dinosaurian features of some footprints, making them look like giant human footprints, but careful cleaning reveals the three-toed tracks of dinosaurs. Some of the reputed prints are erosional features or other irregularities. They show no clear human features without selective highlighting. Some of the prints show evidence of deliberate alteration.
The Paluxy tracks are illustrative of creationists' wishful thinking and of their unwillingness to face evidence. Although some creationists have repudiated the Paluxy claim, many others still cling to it.
Your racist comment: "They've been Messing Up Good Americans since the Seventeenth Century and we had the Right Idea to Declare Independance." Without the British coming to the Americas, the United States would not exist we know it.
Your spelling of evolution is not mature way of getting a point across. I would you feel if told you, that the word "lie" is in "beLIEve"?
I think you should do some research on subject and really question what the truth is on how we came to be.
God loves you, no matter what your faith is. It is being a good person that will reward you everlasting life.
TalkOrigins is an Evolutionist Site. Go to True Origin instead.
And "Being Good" does Not get you to Heaven! That is called Accepting Jesus Into Your Heart!
Here's a unbiased look at Paluxy tracks on Wikipedia.
We could be both wrong if it is through Muhammad that gets you to heaven.
Matthew 15:14 "If a blind man follows a blind man, both will fall into a pit."
I'm sure it's still an Evilutionist plot. You are in my prayers.
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