I would like to Clarafy some things:
I do not hate a single person. I don't even Hate "Dawkin's" and "Neitszhzche". I want everyone to Experience the Saving Love of Jesus Christ. If I come across as HeavyHanded, God told us to be BOLD!!!!! And thats what I am Doing. I am being BOLD for JESUS!!!!!!!!!! I am concidering updating my Prayer List's as there are more people I need to pray for. And apparantly Madelyne Murrey O'Hare is dead. I just got an EMail from my friend saying O'Hare was taking Christian show's off the air. So I beleived her and mentioned her on my Prayer List's. Same goes for Anton LeVey. I had No Clue they were both Dead. I am still quite sure that the Other Two Individuels on my List, Dawkin's and Neitszhchezehe, are still alive. But enough of those two horrible unsaved people who need my prayer's.
Church was wonderful yesterday. Pastor Ted really preached the word of God! I really love Pastor Ted. He totally OWNED Dawkin's on that Root of All Evil. And he kicked the Antichrist right off his grounds! Ted Haggard is definitely filled with the Spirit.
"Neitszhchezehe" died a looooong time ago...
Hes dead to? No way!
You do sound hateful. You have said:
"Many Mexicans are lazy and are Catholics, and they should not be allowed in this country. They are stealing American jobs and families and they are taking over."
"Great Britain is Responsible for a lot of evils in the world"
Dawkins "talks like a homosexual."
Athiests "worship Satan."
The reason why I put "intellegent" in quotes is because that is not how it is spelled. It is not even in Webster's.
I was just wondering about father since you have not talked about him.
I am an agnostic Christian, I do not believe one can prove that God exists but I follow Jesus' teachings. I will pray that will see the truth that people have been telling you lies.
...yes way. He died in 1900.
Hi, I just happened upon your blog. While I admire your passion, you are presenting yourself abominably. You will not reach any gay person's, liberal's, or Nietzsche-(note the spelling!)-lover's heart.
I find it hilarious that you railed on the British for "not being able to spell" a few posts ago when your blog is virtually riddled with spelling and grammatical errors. Your home schooling is not serving you well. For starters, it IS “intelligent.” You need a good dictionary. Your constant misspelling of “evolution” does not help your case either. I could go on and on. Your ignorance of the difference between the grammatical possessive and plural is an apt metaphor for your much more broad-based ignorance about other matters. Your tender age makes this somewhat excusable, but not really.
Your mother says she’s saving you from “brainwashing” and indoctrination by homeschooling you, yet you fail to see that isolation and uni-dimensionality, inherent to homeschooling, are two major tools used to indoctrinate and brainwash people. Perhaps your very own mother is brainwashing and indoctrinating you, whether she’s conscious of it or not.
You want other people to analyze and change their beliefs. I recommend you analyze your own before you work on other people.
Intellegent isn't in the dictionary? Well, that's an Evilutionist Plot!
The Mexican's are doing that. And come on...DARWIN was British! And Dawkin's DOES sound that way. I'll appologize for the athiest/satan thing, although I still think they follow Satan by not worshiping Gods teaching's.
Anyway...now that I think about it, those Intellegent Design books I have say "Intelligent Design"...so that could just be My Error.
It's YOU who are being brainwashed by liberal Neitszscheche-Dawkin's-Dawrin-More-O'Hair propoganda.
Dear Amy,
I believe most of your commenters are brain-dead to the satire. I'm a homeschooling parent and a strong advocate of teaching evolution. Brilliant stuff.
Keep up the good work.
Daryl Cobranchi
don't listen to that "corey"! people have not been tell ing you lies! god does want you to love everyone! jesus exists! god exists!
plz plz dont listen to him!!
plz plz dont listen to him!!
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