I love "Rush Limmbaugh"! Did I mention that before? He knows how to Demolish Liberals' Arguement's! He is such an Intellegent man and he Know's where to get Liberal's! He's like Anne Coulter. They're my heroe's. And I'm moving Micheal More further up my prayer list's as he was trying to fight against Good Christian's. I don't care that he's a Catholic. Catholic's aren't Christian's anyway's.
Today at "HomeSchool" we talked about Evolutionist's Lie's and how people like Dawkin's, Gould and other Evolutionist's are Lieing to ppl. I watched some of Kent Hovind's tapes and read a bit of John Woodmerappe and some Jonathan Sarfatti. Sarfatti is a genuis. "Hovind" is too. Aaron came over to borrow some egg's and he saw me reading Sarfatti. He told me to go read The Blind Watchmaker by the "Anti-Christ"...oops, Dawkin's. I told him that Satanist's prayed over every copy of evolutionist's books, and he looked at me kind of funny. But of course he doesn't "understand" because he dosn't have the Spirit Of The Lord in him. I also told him that Pastor Ted met Dawkin's and that he's a jerk anyway. He shook his Head at me. I also told him about how Evil Neitzshcheze was, and he didn't Beleive me. I think Friederich Neitzschecheze was one of the worst me in existance, next to Stalin and Hitler. If Neitzschecheze wasn't dead I would say he was the Antichrist. But of course that is Dawkin's.
http://www.bushisantichrist.com/ I don't believe this crap, but Bush is a far more likely candidate that Dawkins. What say you?
Bush is a GodFearing president. Dawkin's is an unholy athiest,
Rush Limbaugh had reached a deal last month with prosecutors who had accused the conservative talk-show host of illegally deceiving multiple doctors to receive overlapping painkiller prescriptions. Under the deal, the charge, commonly referred to as "doctor shopping," would be dismissed after 18 months if he continues to submit to random drug tests and treatment for his acknowledged addiction to painkillers.
He was caught recently with unprescribed bottle of Viagra at a Florida airport.
Perhaps Limmbaugh has Erectile Disfunction's. Can't bash him.
Or maybe he's just a druggie. I doubt he'd use Viagra for any reason other than abusing it... I mean, who would have sex with him?! He happens to be INSANELY obese.
Well, I am sure he recieves Coital Fulfilment Somehow, he has enough Fans. The idea Disgusts me but I am sure someone loves that wonderful big lug! :)
You can't be serious here; this site is a negative parody on Christian homeschool, right?
What are you talking about? I am a True Christian! I am praying for you.
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