Tuesday, June 27, 2006

I got to reading the first part of The Blind Watchmaker by Dawkin's. Dawkin's is linking Evilution with Athiesm! I knew he'd do it! But the thing is, he dosn't sound as Mean as my Mom say's he is. I will give a Full Review of Dawkin's book after I am finished with it. But enough about the Antichrist Dawkin's. Anne Coulter was right about Evilution! She think's its Fake and So Do I!

Today was Christian DogWalking time. I hung out with Lindsey and Patricia and we were Talking about what a great scientist Kent Hovind was. We all love Kent Hovind and we want to start a Kent Hovind fan club becuase he is so intelle...oops, Intelligent. I Now Know How to Spell That Word. He is fighting against Evilution and that is the best part about him. He dosn't want Evilutionist Lie's in Christian classroom's.

I also love Kirk Cameron. He's so cute! Yes I know he's Marrie'd but he is still very cute and he's a Christian Man! When I start Courtship I want to Court a guy like that. I don't Date. My family parctices the act of Christian Courtship. The guy I possibly like Meet's my Dad, all Communication goe's through my Dad and we meet Supervised untill we get Married. This is to Insure our Purity before Holy Matramonie. And I want to be with someone who's Totally Sold Out for Christ. I mean, that's the best thing ever!


Corey said...

There are many web sites that show that Kent Hovind does not tell the truth about evolution.

On a side note, the buildings of his Dinosaur Adventure Land was closed when he he would not pay for a building permit. On his blog, he suggested that God could stop them the government in zero seconds and suggested that if people protested the judge would reverse the decision.

In the end, he paid $225 for each of the three counts he was charged and plead "no contest" over a $50 fee. He spent $40,000 legal fees. So far, I have not heard or read a comment by him on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Hovind is an idiot, Cameron is insane, and courtship is sexist, old-fashioned, and brings absolutely NO benefit. Nuff' said.

Amy said...

Hovind doe's too, and he know's more than Dawkin's and Neitzschechzche, so I rest my case.

Well, God WOULD stop it!

Amy said...

And Hovind is still smarter than Dawkin's.

Anonymous said...

Do you people seriously not see that this is satire? Have you ever met anyone so foolish in real life, or someone that actually spells this badly but manages to write a blog?

Anonymous said...

Also, how many homeschooled fundies even know who Dawkins is?

Though I suppose he could be like a Boogeyman character used to scare Christian children who aren't afraid enough of Hell...

Dee Paolina said...

I was begining to think that I was the only one who got the joke.

samuel said...

Ya'll should leave Amy alone. The world needs more people like her.

Anonymous said...

...or Nietzsche, for that matter.