Tuesday, June 27, 2006

So far I have read the first two chapter's of Dawkin's. He is sounding convincing, so I had to pray pray pray while I was reading it because I don't want to be Taken Over by Evil Evilutionist Satanic Thought's. Mom always told me that Satan would come in as an Angle of Light and "Dawkin's" is coming off that way to me. I held my "Cross Knecklace" when I was reading it. I kept that around my kneck the whole Time. I am going to pray those "Deamon's" of Evilution away if thing's get worse. I don't wnat to get Posessed while reading this book. I warn all Christians to stay away from this book. There are deamon's in it. Fortunately I am good at Spiritual War Fare so I will continue reading it and expell the deamon's. But weaker Christians might get problems with the deamon's and might accept the Antichrist.

There is actually a book worse than this Dawkin's stuff. Have you ever read Twilite of the Idol's by Friederich Neitszhze? If the N-man were still alive I would say he was the AntiChrist, not Dawkin's. I felt Deamon's whenever I opened up any book by "Neitszhze. "

I have also had to deal with Gay's. On TV there were Gay's kissing and I had to pray that I wouldn't be Posessed by the Deamon's of "Homosexuality".

I love Jerry Falwells' "Ministry". He is another "Intellegent Preacher". He tells the truth about Gay's and Feminist's and the 9/11 Attack's. They were a WakeUp Call from GOD for American's to go back to Rigteousness'.

Go to Demonbuster.com. They are a Deliverence Ministry's that Get's Rid of Deamon's for you. I reccomend this site to All Christian's!


Anonymous said...

There are no demons in Dawkins's book. I've read it numerous times, and notice no problem with it. It is actually very good! Same goes for things by Nietzsche (which is how his nameis spelt).

Anonymous said...

ok... I understand what your saying and all but we can't get so extream! If you are a born again child of God you CANNOT get possesed.
In Romans 8:38-39 Paul writes,
"For I am convinced that niether death nor life, niether angels nor demons, niether the present nor the future, nor any powers, niether height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ our Lord."
1 Corinthians 10:21 "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord's table and the table of demons."

It is good to read books like that because you can share the gospel, having knowlegde of both worlds. this book cannot posses you it only informs. if ones faith is weak they will be influenced into these theorys. this does not mean they are possesed it means they have fallen into a trap of saten.

Whats with the Demonbusters.com?
We dont need a "DELIVERANCE MANUAL"! We have the word of God which is the BIBLE!
Mark 16;17
16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;

Anonymous said...

Nietzsche and Dawkins where philosiphers! Im sure thier intension was not to posses nor confuse. these are your average men who had questions about life. Who thought up theorys for explanation of perpose. Men who did not know of faith or God... we as man search for answers that we see, that our logical. this is our nature. It is hard to have faith in a God whom you cannot see.
I am a beliver of Jesus Christ...the Holy trinity... but I know we all have a moment when we need to question. sooner or we have an encounter with God. Im sure men like this have had it. It is not our place to condem. we are as much of a sinner as them. we fall short of the glory of God everyday.