They put "BARRACK OBAMA" back in office last week! And whats' worse, my STATE WENT TO OBAMA :( :( :( Even though hes' a Foriegn Citizen! He was born in Kenya, "Donald Trump" says so. They should retrac the Presidancy and give it to "Rommney"! And the Democrat's still have the Senate. At least the REPUBLICAN'S still have the House though. But all these Pro-"Gay" laws past and it is such a sad time for Amercia everyone is abandonning their "CONSERVATIVE VALUES" because of Liberal's like Obama brainwashing the Country. Apparantly it was Mexican's that put Obama back in office.
IMPEACH OBAMA!!!! WHY HAVENT THEY IMPEACHED HIM YET!!!!!!!!!!! I miss Bush and I wish Rommney was president :(