Friday, June 30, 2006

AlRight! This is my very first SALVATION TRACT. You are free to Distribute it to the UnSaved if you say that this is Amy's work!

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More Talkin' Snake art

Make sure to tell your UnSaved Friend's About This Site! Get them here before they read Dawkin's and Neitzschece!
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I am almost finished with Blind WatchMaker. I'm scared that old Dawkin's is right. But he Can't be! The bible says that ol' "Dr." Dick Dawkin's is Wrong, so that's the truth. There's no way that he's right. I prayed so hard last night. I don't want to be taken in by Dawkin's. There are a few more people that God (and I) are VERY upset with. (Well, beside's the other ppl on my prayer list's) These individuel's are Gorge Carlin's and Howard Stern's. Carlin's is an Athiest Commedian who Bashe's Christianity and trie's to make us look like idiot's! Howard Stern's likes to Spread Sexualy Ixplicite Stuff's over the Radio Wave's. I hope the FCC Ban's them BOTH forever! They are spreading Anti-Christian Filth over the Airwave's and that should be STOPPED!!!!!!!!! I want them all to Experiance the SAVING KNOWLEDGE of JESUS!

I drew more:

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Charle's Darwin and his evil

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Hey kids wanna go read some Neitscheze?

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Athiesm chart: Dawkin's leads to LaVey!

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My Love's!

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Here is another Evolutionist although he is Dead...he still has a big Influence on Science Education's in the United State's. His name is STEVEN J. GOLD. Gold was a Communist. That means Evilution is a Communist idea. Gold also says that Creationism is Real just like Dawkin's does. In fact People called Gold Dawkin's American Counterpart. But Communism is Anti-American! Evilution and Communism are Evil and Anti-God. Anne Coulter had something to say about Communism. Gold wrote lots of Evilutionist's books. In fact I think he wrote more book's than Dawkin's.

Another Scientist to watch out for is KARL SAGEN. He is another Athiest. They are all Athiests! Well, at least the "Establishment" scientists that are trying to Control Education. At least we have people like Kent Hovind and Micheal Beahy and Bill Demski.
That's Right! I am Half Finished with Dawkin's Blind Watchmaker's book. Dawkin's is still very convincing. But will I believe Jesus or "Dr." Richard Dawkin's? You know which one I will pick. GOD!!!!!!!!!!! I am not going to let any Athiest's lead my "Faith" astray! And Aaron has been trying to get me more Book's. It was NEITSECZECHE. Is he reading my "Blog"? First time he gave me a book it was by "Dawkin's"! Now it is "Neitseczeche". I am praying for him Mightily.

Today at School I learned:
  • More algibra (polinomial's)
  • Science (Kent Hovind seminar's, Dwayne Gish's book's)
  • For English I read some of the Expergated Canterbry Tail's
  • I studied a little Spainish/Mexican (Yo me llama Amy, como esta tu?)
  • I read History from God's Mighty Hand by Richard Wheeler aka Little Bear (He talk's about how GOD was involved in History! Providance rule's!) I also used some Bob Jone's text's.
  • For Music I had to Wright Song's and One of my Song's was called Solider's of the Cross'. My tutor Thoma's helped me out with the song's.
  • For Bible we discussed how God destroyed the Amalakite's.
Oh, I forgot to Add Someone to my PrayerList's. Ludovik Witgenstien. He say's that God's only in a Langauge Game. THat is absolutely WRONG. What is it with these Philosopher's and Scientist's? But Witgentstien isn't as bad as Neitshezceche, though. Or Dawkin's. But we all know about those two, the Dirty Pair's of Philosophy!

Wendesday Night BibleStudy was Great. It's not Sponsered by my Church, it's Local thing. We talked about God's Plan's for Us in our Live's. It was so full of Christs' love for us! I want to go back to BibleStudy again. Most of the kid's there are Christian HomeSchooler's like me. Only two of them are in Satanaic Public School's and they had to Pray because they were being taught Evilution Theorie's at school.

This is from a Religous Philosophy Quiz. I did not get Dawkin's...DUH! I would scream if I got him! I am suprized Neitshezechche isn't on there Too.

#1 William of Ockham
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#2 Saint Augustine
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#3 Thomas Aquinas
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#4 Alvin Plantinga
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#5 Richard Swinburne
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#6 Soren Kierkegaard
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#7 Immanuel Kant
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#8 Anselm of Canterbury
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#9 Ludwig Wittgenstein
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#10 Rene Descartes
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#11 Richard Dawkins
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#12 David Hume
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

These guy's know how I feel about Dawkin's the AntiChrist! I love 'em!
***** indicates those most in need of prayer's
Richard Dawkin's*****************************
Friederich Neitszshsche*************************
Larry Flint*****
Hugh Heffner*****
Anton LeVey*****
Madeliene Murrey O'Hare (she is trying to take Christian show's off the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)*****
Normen Leer
The Kennedy's
All Spiritualist Medium's
Micheal More
Mary Cheney
Parris Hitlon
Nikki Hitlon
Lindsey Lohan
Simpson's Sister's
Hillery Duff
Brittany Spear's
Bill Clinton
Hillery Clinton (I'm praying for alot of Hillery's it seems)
Koffi Anann
Mucchiiccca Prada or whoever she is, she makes Immodest Clothes
Jell-O Biafra
Naom Comsky
Cindi Sheehan
Jame's Randy
This Blog is Now ILLUSTRATED! Yes! I have made some pretty Picture's to help indicate what I am talking about and I will make many more picture's when I am done. I am sorry DialUp user's for all the Image's.

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Kent Hovind: Genuis

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Im Praying for Neitshzsche and Dawkin's

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The Evil of the Nman

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My heroe's: Anne Coulter and Michele Malkin's!!!!

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Christian DogWalking

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This is what Evilution look's like

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Watch out for Dawkin's!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

It is about """""BISHOP"""""" JOHN SHELBY SPONG'S.
"Bishop" Spong's is an Athiest Christian. Yes, an Athiest christian. He write's lots of Book's about how Christianity can be Changed, and how he pick's and Choose's Verse's from the Bible! He says' the Bible isn't the LITTERAL WORD OF GOD. And thats a SIN! Has he ever read that verse in Revelation's that say's that no word can be Added or Taken Away from the Bible? It say's it right there in Revelation's, so there's no excuse! "Bishop" Spong's is WRONG! Spong's is going on my PRAYER LIST next to Dawkin's, Neitzeszeche and all the other Sinner's in this world. In fact, I think that Dawkin's is the Dr Gobbel's of Athiesm. Wait, thi's post is about Spong's, not Dawkin's. Spong's is helping the Spirit's of the Antichrist because he supports Evilition and Gay's. I AM PRAYING FOR SPONG'S DAILY.
So far I have read the first two chapter's of Dawkin's. He is sounding convincing, so I had to pray pray pray while I was reading it because I don't want to be Taken Over by Evil Evilutionist Satanic Thought's. Mom always told me that Satan would come in as an Angle of Light and "Dawkin's" is coming off that way to me. I held my "Cross Knecklace" when I was reading it. I kept that around my kneck the whole Time. I am going to pray those "Deamon's" of Evilution away if thing's get worse. I don't wnat to get Posessed while reading this book. I warn all Christians to stay away from this book. There are deamon's in it. Fortunately I am good at Spiritual War Fare so I will continue reading it and expell the deamon's. But weaker Christians might get problems with the deamon's and might accept the Antichrist.

There is actually a book worse than this Dawkin's stuff. Have you ever read Twilite of the Idol's by Friederich Neitszhze? If the N-man were still alive I would say he was the AntiChrist, not Dawkin's. I felt Deamon's whenever I opened up any book by "Neitszhze. "

I have also had to deal with Gay's. On TV there were Gay's kissing and I had to pray that I wouldn't be Posessed by the Deamon's of "Homosexuality".

I love Jerry Falwells' "Ministry". He is another "Intellegent Preacher". He tells the truth about Gay's and Feminist's and the 9/11 Attack's. They were a WakeUp Call from GOD for American's to go back to Rigteousness'.

Go to They are a Deliverence Ministry's that Get's Rid of Deamon's for you. I reccomend this site to All Christian's!
I got to reading the first part of The Blind Watchmaker by Dawkin's. Dawkin's is linking Evilution with Athiesm! I knew he'd do it! But the thing is, he dosn't sound as Mean as my Mom say's he is. I will give a Full Review of Dawkin's book after I am finished with it. But enough about the Antichrist Dawkin's. Anne Coulter was right about Evilution! She think's its Fake and So Do I!

Today was Christian DogWalking time. I hung out with Lindsey and Patricia and we were Talking about what a great scientist Kent Hovind was. We all love Kent Hovind and we want to start a Kent Hovind fan club becuase he is so intelle...oops, Intelligent. I Now Know How to Spell That Word. He is fighting against Evilution and that is the best part about him. He dosn't want Evilutionist Lie's in Christian classroom's.

I also love Kirk Cameron. He's so cute! Yes I know he's Marrie'd but he is still very cute and he's a Christian Man! When I start Courtship I want to Court a guy like that. I don't Date. My family parctices the act of Christian Courtship. The guy I possibly like Meet's my Dad, all Communication goe's through my Dad and we meet Supervised untill we get Married. This is to Insure our Purity before Holy Matramonie. And I want to be with someone who's Totally Sold Out for Christ. I mean, that's the best thing ever!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Here are some good Christian Link's!
Dawkin's Watch: These people keep an eye on "Dawkin's" and his activities. These guys are as dedacated as I am, and that's saying something! They are a ministry called Objective Ministries, and the guy who runs the Dawkin's Watch, Richard Paley, is a genuis!
Landover Baptist Church: I'm not sure whether these guys are real or fake, but some of the things they say make them sound like good Christian's! I heard a rumor that an Athiest was running it, but that sounds a bit off to me.
Focus on the Family: MY FAVE! I LOVE James Dobson! He has the best Christian advice! I listen to Focus On The Family when I'm driving to Family Christian Store's!

I am bored today. I finished reading my Creation Science Pamphlet's. Aaron came over and gave me that Dawkin's book as a 'Late Birthday Present.' I don't know what I'll do with it. I want to read it, but that's Satan's temptation. Dawkin's will lead to Neitszsceche and Neitszceche will lead to LaVey and LaVey lead's to Satanism! I'm not going down that path! Anyway, if my Mom sees that book she will burn it or exercise the evil spirit's out of it. So I'm going to put it under my matress. It seems mean to get rid of it. :(
I love "Rush Limmbaugh"! Did I mention that before? He knows how to Demolish Liberals' Arguement's! He is such an Intellegent man and he Know's where to get Liberal's! He's like Anne Coulter. They're my heroe's. And I'm moving Micheal More further up my prayer list's as he was trying to fight against Good Christian's. I don't care that he's a Catholic. Catholic's aren't Christian's anyway's.

Today at "HomeSchool" we talked about Evolutionist's Lie's and how people like Dawkin's, Gould and other Evolutionist's are Lieing to ppl. I watched some of Kent Hovind's tapes and read a bit of John Woodmerappe and some Jonathan Sarfatti. Sarfatti is a genuis. "Hovind" is too. Aaron came over to borrow some egg's and he saw me reading Sarfatti. He told me to go read The Blind Watchmaker by the "Anti-Christ"...oops, Dawkin's. I told him that Satanist's prayed over every copy of evolutionist's books, and he looked at me kind of funny. But of course he doesn't "understand" because he dosn't have the Spirit Of The Lord in him. I also told him that Pastor Ted met Dawkin's and that he's a jerk anyway. He shook his Head at me. I also told him about how Evil Neitzshcheze was, and he didn't Beleive me. I think Friederich Neitzschecheze was one of the worst me in existance, next to Stalin and Hitler. If Neitzschecheze wasn't dead I would say he was the Antichrist. But of course that is Dawkin's.
I would like to Clarafy some things:
I do not hate a single person. I don't even Hate "Dawkin's" and "Neitszhzche". I want everyone to Experience the Saving Love of Jesus Christ. If I come across as HeavyHanded, God told us to be BOLD!!!!! And thats what I am Doing. I am being BOLD for JESUS!!!!!!!!!! I am concidering updating my Prayer List's as there are more people I need to pray for. And apparantly Madelyne Murrey O'Hare is dead. I just got an EMail from my friend saying O'Hare was taking Christian show's off the air. So I beleived her and mentioned her on my Prayer List's. Same goes for Anton LeVey. I had No Clue they were both Dead. I am still quite sure that the Other Two Individuels on my List, Dawkin's and Neitszhchezehe, are still alive. But enough of those two horrible unsaved people who need my prayer's.

Church was wonderful yesterday. Pastor Ted really preached the word of God! I really love Pastor Ted. He totally OWNED Dawkin's on that Root of All Evil. And he kicked the Antichrist right off his grounds! Ted Haggard is definitely filled with the Spirit.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

God love's you all!
(Even Friederich Neitschze!)
***** indicates those most in need of prayer's
Richard Dawkin's*************************
Friederich Neitszshsche*************************
Larry Flint*****
Hugh Heffner*****
Anton LeVey*****
Madeliene Murrey O'Hare (she is trying to take Christian show's off the air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)*****
Normen Leer
Micheal More
Mary Cheney
Parris Hitlon
Hillery Duff
Brittany Spear's
Bill Clinton
Hillery Clinton (I'm praying for alot of Hillery's it seems)
Koffi Anann
Mucchiiccca Prada or whoever she is, she makes Immodest Clothes
Jell-O Biafra
Naom Comsky
Cindi Sheehan
All right, to you Liberals:
ABORTION IS MURDUR. Baby's are ALIVE in mom's stomach and they are Fearfuly and Wonderfully Made. And God created them in the Womb, so you should not Murder Little Unborn Baby's. If you have an Abortion you have commited a Greivous Sin and you might as well go worship Dawkin's and Neitszhce.

The other bad thing in this country is the Illegal Immagration from Mexican's. Many Mexican's are lazy and are Catholics, and they should NOT be allowed in this country! They are stealing American's job's and familie's and they are takign over! They want to replace Good American English with Mexican. I do not want to learn Mexican and you should not have to either.
Apparantly some of you are critiscizing my HomeSchool Education. I am going to Clarafy a few things right now. My Education is Top Quality. I know my Spelling isn't, but what I'm being Taught is absolutely Valid. Don't use my Spelling to Convert me to the Religion prisided over by High Preists Charle's Darwin, Friederich Neitsczhe and Richard Dawkin's. I cant beleive I forgot Neitsczhe in my List. He's still out there writing his Athiest nonsense, isn't he? I know Darwin is Dead (and he recanted on his death bed, Evilutionist's!) but I am quite sure that Dawkin's and Neitsczhe are still in league with eachother writing Athiest Tracts. And Neitschze sponsered Stalin and Hitler! How evil can you get? Athiesm is the religion of Stalin and Hitler.:) Evilution helped sponser Hitler too. It is truly a tool of Satan to warp young minds. This kind of Philosephy makes me Sick to my Stomach. I should go read my Bible now.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Why Britain is Gods Least Favorite Country!!!
Here are the reason's why Great Britain is Responsible for a Lot of Evil's in the world:

  • It produced Charles Darwin.
  • Dawkin's is British too.
  • The Brit's put Darwin on their Ten Pound Bill's.
  • They Legalized Homosexual Civil Union's last December.
  • Elton John is British and he is Gay.
  • The British Broadcasting Corporation is full of Communist's.
  • The Brit's have No Constitution
  • The Brit's Outlaw Gun's
  • The Brit's Let More Illegal Immagrant's in
  • The British cannot Spell
  • The British have Funny Accent's
  • The British broadcast TV Show's like Dawkin's Root of All Evil
  • There are a lot of Athiest's in Britain
Need I say More?
One more thing: I would like to dedicate this Post to my Appriciation of the great Sceintist, Ken Ham. He is so intellegent (its not intelligent, folks!) when it comes to Creationism and Evolution. He is so much better than that impostor Dawkin's that it's unreal.
Im going to take a bit more of a LightHearted approch right now & talk about some of my Fave Thing's.

My favorite food is Vanilla ice cream because its so delisious.

My favorite singer's and group's are: Rebecca St. Jame's (because she talks about abstinance!!!!!), Avalon, Michael W. Smith, Steven Curtis Chapman, and the Gaither Gospel Singer's. I ONLY listen to Christian music since seculer music is of the DEVIL!!!!!!!!!

My favorite movie is Left Behind.

My favorite book's are the Christy Miller serie's, the Left Behind serie's, and the Sierra Jensen serie's. I only read Christian book's so I don’t get taken over by unholy thought's.

My favorite school subject is Bible (I am HomeSchooled so I don’t have to deal with any Public Satanic School Propoganda. My other fave subject is Creation Science, of course. That way I am safe from Darwin, Dawkin's and Gold.

HomeSchool is one of the best parts of my life. I am protected from Secular Athiest Propoganda, and I don’t have to worry about Intregated School's because of all the crime. But that’s another story. I’m not racist. I just fear getting mugged.) My mom didn’t finish her own schooling, she is not as good a writer as me but still she is a good teacher! Credentielism is created by the devil to steer good parent's away from HOMESCHOOLING!!!!

My favorite thing to do is go to CHURCH! I am in the Teen Praise Team, Upward Cheerleading, Fellowship of Christian Student's, Childrens' Church Volinteer, Teen Prayer Group, Christian DogWalking, Junior Usher's, HomeSchool Haven, Abstinence Club, Young Creationist's Club, and the Teen Chior.
I went to the mall today with Erin and my mom. My Mom had to watch Erin and her brother Aaron because Mr. Phipps was busy doing something. (He was probably holding Worship Service's for Darwin) We went into the BookStore and I picked up Anne Coulter's latest Book and a Teen Devotionel Bible and Aaron bought something by Dawkin's (The Ansester's Tail) and something by Ein Rand (Fountinhead). If there is Anyone who is physco, it is Ein Rand. I gave him a look and he gave me one back. I told him Evilution was a religion and he just laughed at me. He is so Lost. I am Praying for him too.

I'm so excited about Tomorrow! At Youth Church, we're going to talk about Abstinance and Committing Our Lives to Christ! We're gonna have so Much Fun! So yeah, after Creation Camp we're going to Abstinance Retreat! WOOOOOOO!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Here is a section on Noah Webster (praise be upon him), one of the United State's best Genuise's. Webster (praise be upon him) is one of my favorite historical figure's. I think he was a prophet!

Webster was a devout Congregationalist. However, his Speller was entirely secular. It ended with two pages of important dates in American history, beginning with Columbus's in 1492 and ending with the battle of Yorktown in 1781. There was no mention of God, the Bible, or sacred events. "Let sacred things be appropriated for sacred purposes," wrote Webster. As Ellis explains, "In place of Christian myths, Webster began to construct a secular catechism to the nation-state. Here was the first appearance of 'civics' in American schoolbooks. In this sense, Webster's speller was the secular successor to The New England Primer with its explicitly biblical injunctions." [Ellis 175]

His 1828 American Dictionary contained the greatest number of Biblical definitions given in any reference volume. Webster considered "education useless without the Bible."

  • "In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government ought to be instructed...No truth is more evident to my mind than that the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people.” (Preface to the 1828 edition of Webster's American Dictionary of the English Language )

Webster released his own edition of the Bible in 1833. He used the King James Version as a base, and consulted the Hebrew and Greek along with various other versions and commentaries. Webster molded the KJV to correct grammar, replaced words that were no longer used, and did away with words and phrases that could be seen as offensive.

Do you see why Webster (praise be upon him) is one of my heroe's! He made American Spelling not British Anymore. Webster (praise be upon him) deserves a lot more respect than he gets!
Apparantly Evilutionist's are trying to BrainWash me with thier Dogma. I will not beleive them at all. I was already warned about Evilutionist's by my Mom. She said that they use Science Falsely So-Called and they are Deceptive because Satan is telling them that Evolution is real. It is obvious that God created the world in 6-day's.

Here is my latest Digital Sermon:
RolePlaying games are of Satan! They often Feature Charecter's that Reprisent Satanic Creature's, like Witch's, Goblin's and Non-Real animal's, and People end up Identifying with these Charecters and they are Possesed by Demon's when they play These Game's. They often seperate people from there Relationship's with God. They are truly Satanic and all good Christians should avoid them because they might go to Hell if they do that. They fill Jesus' Internet's full of Satanic Crap. We should pray over our Internet connection's so that we are Not Seduced by Satan's RolePlaying Garbage.

Also, many Eightie's Cartoon Show's were Sponsered by Satan. The Smurfs' Name comes from an old Demonic thing, and HeMan is clearly a Satanic show. All parefernellia from these shows, whether new or old, should be Banned from God's America. We should Pray over our TV set's too so that we are not Infected with such Filth.

In Christ's Love
Amy +++++<3333333333
Apparantly Richard Dawkin's has Fan's. Yes I focus on Dawkin's but he is the biggest Athiest Appologist of this Age. He is at the top of my prayer list along with Hugh Heffner and Larry Flint.

I am gonna buy Anne Colter's new book! I love Anne Colter! She is one of the most Intellegent women in politics and she is so gorgeous! The only thing I don't like about her is that she wears Miniskirts, which are Immodest. Otherwise I love her so much! If there was any Political Pundit I'd like to Meet, it would be Anne Colter. Ppl compare her to Micheal More, but More is an unholy Libberal. I need to pray for him too. I don't know whose worse, More or Dawkin's. I would have to say Dawkin's now that I think about it. Why would a British Citizen care about American Education? And he talks like a Homosexual. I am going to pray for him, as I said.

Richard Dawkin's
Larry Flint
Hugh Heffner
Normen Leer
Micheal More
Mary Cheney
Parris Hitlon
Hillery Duff
Brittany Spear's
Gorge Orwell (he's still alive, right?)
Bill Clinton
Hillery Clinton (I'm praying for alot of Hillery's it seems)
Koffi Anann
Mucchiiccca Prada or whoever she is, she makes Immodest Clothes
Jell-O Biafra
Naom Comsky
Cindi Sheehan

I won't bother praying for Osama BinLadin or Saddam Hussein. They are clearly going to Hell and no prayer will get them out of it. Same goes for all of Al Quaeda.
I went to Prayer Group yesterday and it was So Much Fun! We talked about Creation/Evolution and Abstinance as well. We are all going to get True Love Wait's rings and we're going on a Purity Retreat so we can talk about Saving Ourselves for our Husband's and Wive's. I also wrote up an E-Sermon called the "Athiest Buster's". Here it is. I didn't write that much because I didn't have much Time, but I did Try as hard as I could.

During my time as a Youth Minister I have had the oppurtunity to come in contact with several Athiests. Athiest’s are people who say they don't beleive in God and are not religous, but they really worship SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!! Athiests pretend to sound intellegent to pursuade Christian’s from thier faith. hey use "science so Falsely called" (thats EVILution, folks!) to make our loyal followers go to the side of darkness. They have there own prophets, like Richard Dawkin's. They are very fundementalist in there beleifs and like to say that conservative Christians are, even though we just want people to experiance the saving Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Fortunately, my church has a ministry to combat this insiddious problem. I am one of the youth minister's in this program.

I went over to Mr. Phipps's house again to try to minester to his daughter Erin. Erin said that she wasn't Interested. She asked me if I would like to Watch something about Religion. I say "OK" and she puts on something on her computer by Dawkin's! She said she DownLoaded it because you can only get that kind of flith in the U.K. Dawkin's was insulting the Bible and he was really mean to Pastor Ted Haggerd of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs. I think Richard Dawkin's deserves our prayer's becuase if we don't, he might keep on being like the way he is and he will go to hell!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

This is my Second Entry! Today at HomeSchool, we talked about Creation Science, and my Mom was telling me about the Paluxy Footprints in Glen Rose, Texas! Humans walked and lived with dinosaurs........their's evidence! I am also going to Creation Science Camp this summer. We are going to talk about why Evolution is Wrong and why their should be Equal Time for Creation Science, Intellegent Design, and Evilution at school because Evilution is obviously a religion and Creation Science is objective scientific Fact. Evolution takes a lot of Faith------it take's more Faith than Christianity it self!

My Next-Door Neighbor, Mr. Phipps is an Athiest. I forgot to Tell you. I have tried Witnessing to him, but he quotes Darwin and Dawkin's to me as if they are Holy Scrpipture. I told him that I was going to Pray for him, and he looked at me kind of funny. I don't understand athiest's, but do I have to? I just have to make sure they're saved! I told him about Kent Hovind who has a PHD from Patriot University and is Qualified to talk about Science, but then he Countered saying that Darwin and Dawkin's went to Cambrige and Oxford, respectfully. I told him that cradentials did not matter if they were preaching GODS' HOLY WORD!

And when Dawkin's says Evolution he pronounces it Evilution! Even he admits it is an Evil Theory! Mr. Phipps says that is just his accent but I don't beleive him. And why should we listen to what a bunch of British guys (Darwin and Dawkin's) say about American Education? We can't trust those British with anything. They've been Messing Up Good Americans since the Seventeenth Century and we had the Right Idea to Declare Independance. And Noah Webster (praise be upon him) was RIGHT to change the Spelling of English Words Arbitraraly to Not Look British! Webster (praise be upon him) was a GENUIS! Even Today, Webster's Abridged Dictionaries keep Cuss Words out but those godless Oxford Dictionarie's DON'T. Another reason to BUY AMERICAN!

Hi, Im Amy, and I have started this blog for 1 purpose and 1 purpose only. To glorify my LORD Jesus Christ! In this Blog I will discuss some of the Worst things happening in the United States because of "Millitant Athiesm". The Athiests are taking over the country and GOD doesnt like it one Bit!!!!!!

This is my First Ever Blog, so Pls Bear With Me!
And I'm only 16 anyway.


Their putting "EVILution" in schools (thanks to Evilutionist Propogandist's like "Dr." Richard Dawkin's) and ignoring good, intellegent scientist's like Dr. Kent Hovind, Dr. Michael Beahy and Dr. William Demski. Intellegent design is a fact !!!!!!!! And the word is NOT spelled intelligent! Only evilutionist's write it that way! The world was created in 6 days by "JESUS CHRIST"! Sience proves it, and more importantly, the "BIBLE" teaches it! And the Bible is the infallable word of God! It says so, I believe it and that settles it! Darwin was absolutly wrong lol. Evolution is an illogical fairy tail! And BY ALL MEAN'S don't listen to Dawkin's. He spreads lots of propoganda. He says that religeon is child abuse. That is sacreligious and blasphimous. I am going to pray for Dawkin's and all of his follower's.

Home schooling might become illegal because of Millitant Secularist's lobby in the U.S.A. That will make me very upset because I have been HomeSchooled for 6 years using all the Best curricula's, from Bob Jone's to ABeka. I have been Kept Away from the Distructive Affect's of Secular Education. But many Mom's are forced to send thier Kid's to "Public School's" because of law's, regulation's, and social pressure's. You should Look for the "Home School Legal Difense Associaton" to get more Information on how to Keep the Government's Hands Out of Home Schooling!!!!!!!! Home Schooling is the Best and I can't WAIT until Secular Public Educaiton is "REMOVED" from our Corrupt Liberal Gov't. These Secularist's want to replace Nativity Scenes' with scenes of Darwin, Gould, Dawkin's, Hawking and Eisenstein! This is an outrage!

Homosexuality is Taking Over! The Gay's are Recruting! And so are the Transsexual's! They're making Girl's be Boy's and Boy's be Girl's! We won't know whose who now thanks to the Homosexual Lobby! They're making it so that Right is Wrong and Wrong is Right! And their also saying that it's due to Evilution! Since Evilution is mentioned its obviously FALSE DOCTRINE! The Gay Movement is Designed to End Straight Marriage! I am Very Angry that the Ammendment against Gay Marriage was Not Approved. :( That was a Victory for the Homosexual's. But we will win these Culture War's as this is SPIRITUAL WARFARE and we are on the side of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will write More as the Spirit moves me.
+++++++God Bless, Amy !++++++++++

JOHN 3:16